ps:1 not such channle is not in the game see it just in mirc not in game!
this is my Script part 1
; ------------------------------------------------------
; VC:MP Server Configuration File.
; ------------------------------------------------------
; -- Set ListenPort to the port this server will listen on.
; -- Set MaxPlayers to the maximum number of players allowed
; to connect to this server.
MaxPlayers = 30
ListenPort = 5192
ServerName = "new Script"
; Map Type
; -- 1 = Vice-City
; -- 2 = Liberty-City
Map = 1
; -- General password configuration. Set NeedPassword to True
; if the server requires a password to connect.
NeedPassword = false
Password = "none"
AdminPassword =jajaja
; -- Port that the remote console server listens on.
RconPort = 5315
; -- Maximum number of users that can connect to the remote console
; at the same time.
RconMaxUsers = 5
;Log Text To Server
LogServer = true
; Kick Message
KickMessage = "~t~You Have Been ~b~ Kicked From the Server"
; Ban Message
BanMessage = "~t~You Have Been Banned."
; Set Ping level for server
Ping = 1000
; -----------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------
; ---weather settings----------------
; 0 = mostly clear skies
; 1 = overcast
; 2 = rainy-lightning
; 3 = foggy
; 4 = clear skies
; 5 = rainy
; 6 = dark sky partly cloudy
; 7 = light sky partly cloudy
; 8 = overcast partly cloudy
; 9 = grey sky black clouds
; --Set default weather
WeatherDefault = 0-9 ; 0-9 reccomended
; ---time settings-------------------
HourDefault = 12 ; 0-23
MinuteDefault = 30 ; 0-59
; ---TimeRate settings---
; 0 = time stands still in server
; 4 = fastest time rate
; 8 = default setting for slowed time
TimeRate = 8 ; reccomended 8 or higher if not 0
; -----------------------------------------------
; <<<<< START OF Ammunation Settup >>>>>
; Ammunation_Shop = #Pos.X #Pos.Y #Pos.Z #camera.angle.x #camera.angle.y #camera.angle.z #camera.pos.x #camera.pos.y #camera.pos.z
; A_Weapon = #weapon.pos.x #weapon.pos.y #weapon.pos.z #weapon.1 #weapon.1.Cost #weapon.2 #weapon.2.Cost #weapon.3 #weapon.3.Cost #weapon.4 #weapon.4.Cost
Ammunation = 0 -66.0178 -1481.7504 10.4940 -60.593 -1486.241 12.433 -60.508 -1484.245 12.428
A_Weapon = 0 -60.793 -1488.141 12.24274 278 150 283 220 277 230 276 210
Ammunation = 1 364.1243 1055.6443 19.2101 364.152 1051.163 21.291 364.203 1053.161 21.269
A_Weapon = 1 364.9 1049.5 21.067 269 100 283 195 277 250 288 395
Ammunation = 2 -677.0 1205.6 10.0 -680.155 1203.449 13.171 -679.161 1203.449 13.133
A_Weapon = 2 -681.6 1203.449 12.91 275 150 279 295 277 190 280 325
Ammunation = 3 202.7 -474.1 10.1 203.608 -470.797 14.217 203.616 -471.795 14.284
A_Weapon = 3 203.606 -469.297 13.91 260 50 267 75 269 220 263 95
GameMode = "by [BIF]CHN" ; reserved for future use.
GameModeVersion = 0.2 ; reserved for future use.
; If true, players on the same team will not be able to damage eachother with onfoot weapons.
FriendlyFire = false
; decides how players will be shown on the radar.
; 0 = false do not show players on radar
; 1 = true show all players on radar
; 2 = team show only team members on radar
ShowOnRadar = 1
PlayerPos = -446.6460 -355.2578 6.9927 ; Where the local player model is initially placed
CamPos = -445.6306 -351.7004 6.7 ; Where the camera is situated for class selection
CamLook = -446.6460 -355.2578 6.9947 ; Where the camera is looking for class selection
WorldBounds = 5000.0 -5000.0 5000.0 -5000.0 ; Confine the world to these boundries
Teams = 6 ; Number of teams (use -1 for deathmatch)
; -----------------------------------------------
; <<<<< START OF CLASSES >>>>>
; Class =
; #team (0 = team / -1 = independant) #model_id #spawn_x #spawn_y #spawn_z
; #z_angle #weapon_1 #weapon_1_ammo #weapon_2 #weapon_2_ammo #weapon_3 #weapon_3_ammo
; (use -1 to keep the weapon assignment empty)
; ClassDescription = <name>
; Note Class teams must start at 1 and first ClassDescription must always be Independant
; If Team is Indepenant must not have ClassDescription Defined
ClassDescription = Working_Class
Class = 1 108 345.1462 -1211.6379 11.0712 160.8151 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; ken rosenberg
Class = 1 120 149.2859 -1149.9199 31.3094 153.7441 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; lance
Class = 1 119 375.8360 -484.9672 13.8172 242.4172 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; lancecop
Class = 2 124 -1104.6864 352.4408 11.6364 192.7969 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; robber trailer
Class = 2 127 -1067.9899 351.0122 11.2630 179.6600 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; robber 2
Class = 2 129 -1101.7609 287.6475 12.2578 318.7579 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; robber garage
Class = 3 132 -995.1219 185.1309 12.4340 5.9484 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; cabbie red
Class = 3 133 -1009.4338 186.8296 11.3937 351.5172 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; cabbie blue
Class = 3 140 -1314.2012 166.0502 11.5240 216.3986 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; brownsuit worker
Class = 4 141 -1314.2012 166.0502 11.5240 216.3986 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; bluesuit worker
Class = 4 109 -88.8916 931.7161 10.8450 271.1172 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; candy suxx
Class = 4 121 -77.5237 975.0023 10.9407 246.0641 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; film producer
Class = 5 138 75.0896 1088.3798 18.7597 82.1443 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; thug1prawn1
Class = 5 147 17.4948 1148.1854 23.5272 182.0645 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; thug2prawn2
Class = 5 153 -35.0375 1114.5541 17.0775 260.0494 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; thug3prawn3
Class = 6 149 -524.0222 -305.2146 10.8010 181.4869 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; robber nomask1
Class = 6 150 -502.3018 -310.4233 10.6640 32.9656 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; robber nomask2
Class = 6 151 -502.3018 -317.4233 10.6640 32.9656 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; robber nomask3
Class = 7 156 80.9220 -1456.6185 11.6068 247.7549 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; stripper1
Class = 7 157 72.8170 -1445.6389 11.3123 53.2488 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; stripper2
Class = 7 158 63.9192 -1450.3369 10.5655 353.4679 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; stripper3bigger
Class = 8 142 90.4138 -1453.7081 10.5655 194.6060 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; waitress / maid
Class = 8 116 -246.9812 -1360.8901 8.1130 274.0870 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; mercedez1
Class = 8 125 -260.7284 -1214.7253 8.1130 272.8622 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; mercedez2
;Class = 9 137 128.7016 -1540.6157 10.8281 22.9021 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; chef
;Class = 9 139 238.0274 -1241.0366 11.9038 257.0663 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; frenchie
Class = 9 148 158.6859 -1516.5957 11.0113 245.4086 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; beach dude
Class = 10 154 294.7973 -298.9298 11.9591 194.9315 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; hick1 spandex
Class = 10 155 305.9129 -299.8355 11.9591 167.1942 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; hick2 spandex
Class = 10 159 -1072.2922 -279.4254 12.0882 270.7565 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; janitor worker
Class = 11 131 -906.5925 800.5430 11.4226 258.7836 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; pizzaguy?
Class = 11 143 428.6750 608.0848 18.7571 26.4515 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; mademan1
Class = 11 144 429.1537 607.4714 12.7161 9.4175 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; mademan2
;Class = 12 145 428.6750 608.0848 18.7571 26.4515 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; mademan3
;Class = 12 146 429.1537 607.4714 12.7161 9.4175 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; mademan4
Class = 12 134 -668.8673 -1251.8209 36.8126 75.4360 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; sailor1
Class = 13 135 -696.7894 -1216.3895 17.7961 206.5361 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; sailor2
Class = 13 136 -609.1616 -1404.1005 26.4293 25.3651 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; sailor3
Class = 13 130 335.5701 -233.9047 29.6466 164.1848 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; agent with glasses