Author Topic: How to Forward Ports (w/ pictures)  (Read 5583 times)

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How to Forward Ports (w/ pictures)
« on: May 08, 2011, 12:38:12 am »
A lot of people are asking, "What is port forwarding and how do I do it?!" There aren't many resourceful guides available, so here's how to forward the ports for your server.

What router am I using?
Before you can go on, figure out what router you're using. You can usually find out by looking at your router, which may include a logo, brand name, or just a model number. For our intents and purposes, we'll use my router.


As you can see, it says MI424WR. This is the model number for my router. By Googling it, I can see my router is made by Actiontec. This is going to come in handy later.

Logging Into the Router Panel
Now we have to figure out how to log into the router panel. First, we're going to have to use the command prompt, so press the Windows Key + R at the same time, and type in cmd like so.


Type ipconfig and hit enter.

You should get something like the following picture. All you need to worry about is the default gateway; this is the IP you'll use to log into your router.

Open your web browser and enter this IP address in the address bar. You should either get a page asking you to log in or a popup asking for a username and password. If you don't, go ahead and skip this step, but if you do, go to

Press Ctrl + F and type in the name or model number of your router.


Port Forwarding
Now go to and use Ctrl + F to look for the brand and model of your router.

Click on the link. If it advertises a PFConfig program, click on the "Click here to skip this advertisement..." link in the top right. Then where it says "If you do not see the program you are forwarding ports for" click on the "Default Guide" link.

You should get another guide with pictures on exactly how to forward the ports. Remember that the ports you are forwarding are 5192 for the server and 5315 for RCON, unless you change these ports.
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