I modified the sample script from
rulk, it took an hour to do this. Well it works good.
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.player.move:{
if ($vcmp.vehicle($1, $2) > 0) {
if ($vcmp.speed($1, $2) > 10) {
vcmp.announce $1 $2 ~o~ $round($calc($vcmp.speed($1, $2) * 3.1), 0) ~x~ kmh $chr(10) $chr(10)
else {
!.signal vcmp.playermove $1-
Where is a special letter, that ur web-browser doesn't display ;p.
The original convert from MPS [?] to KMH => MPS * 3,6 = speed in KMH. I don't used 3,6, only 3,1. I even don't think, that a PCJ can have more than 200 KMH speed
so i changed it.
I know, this script made by me is not 100% correctly
* it's only displaying if the player is sitting in a car [vehicle]
* and it's displaying only, if the player is driving faster than 30 km/h. I made this so, cause while a player enter a car, i made a announce, which displays the car health.
For all those, who hasn't a move signal: u can simply add them
. I'm using and modifying FBS, i haven't a MOVE signal there, but i created it and it works
Ah and my good question
: i gotta a 1MBps internet connection. I don't think it's a slow connection, but the speedometer for 1 person is a long combination of commands... Will it lag