What did u try to fix it??
Sorry, but i think u need to try fixing urself.
If it still wont work you can ask here, We are happy to help you 
Its not gonna to work
This i copy to my scripter editor:
elseif ($3 == jail) {
if ($WSV.levels($4) > 4) wsv.msg $1 You need to be Admin level 5 or higher.
elseif (!$4) wsv.msg $1 Error - Correct Syntax: /c $3 <Nick> <Reason>
else {
wsv.say ** Jailing player: $WSV.name($2) Reason: $5-
WSV.setlocation $2 389.423 -507.512 9.396 0
WSV.setcontrols $2 0
timer 1 10 WSV.setcontrols $2 1
timer 1 10 wsv.say ** Freeing $WSV.name($2) from jail
Yes here some mistake?