Hya [AoD]NC,
Theres going to be a few tags that wont be catered for, but as they pop up, its simple to add them.
Here is a special edition for your polish friends.
; -----------USAGE----------
; //echo -a $FindClanTag([MK]rulk)
; Tags Covered: (Double Delimiter)
; [MK] (MK) =MK= ^MK^ <MK> -MK-
; Tags Covered: (Single Delimiter)
; ULK. ULK= L.Team*
; Note: Combinations are also valid for double delimiter tags.
; Note: Combinations are NOT valid for single delimiter tags
; --------------------------
alias FindClanTag {
var %Double_Delim = $regex( D_DELIM, $1, /([[(=^<-]+\w+.[])=^>-]+)/ )
var %Single_Delim = $regex( S_DELIM, $1, (\w.+[.*=]+) )
return $iif( %Double_Delim > 0, $regml(D_DELIM, 1), $regml(S_DELIM, 1) )
Hope this helps
Kind Regards
Luke Rudge (rulk)