Well, today I gonna show you how to make a Auto-Restart for servers. This is the output method
First, create a restart.txt file and paste this code in it
@echo off
TASKKILL /F /IM "vcmp-svr.exe"
CD "Location"
start vcmp-svr.exe
IMPORTANT: Rename Location with your target-zone of your server E.g: "C:\MyOwnServer" and make sure that your server executable is called vcmp-svr.exe ATTENTION: Not vcmp-srv.exe, it's vcmp-svr.exe [See the svr - srv ]
ATTENTION: This don't starts the server,just shuts it down and restart and works as a starter too but it won't have what to close so it may cause bugs.
then change the extension of .txt in to .bat
Run it and have fun!
Coded in exclusivity by Shadow
Here to make VC-MP better.