Author Topic: HD PortForwarding Guide/Basics [Noob Friendly]  (Read 2771 times)

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Offline kartikeyp1

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HD PortForwarding Guide/Basics [Noob Friendly]
« on: June 23, 2011, 11:53:21 pm »
Note from Author:
This is a huge project to undertake. There are hundreds of different modems and routers that I am trying to cover. If this guide did not work for you, do not give up! Keep trying and try to play around with that you have. This guide will cover the basics and fundamentals on how to port forward.

Background Knowledge:
  • Router: You must not confused modem and router with each other. Routers usually have antennas on them. Routers allows for wireless connection to be establish. They do not make bandwidth, but they all broadcast it so people can connect to the wireless network.
  • Modem: This is what gives us internet! This looks like a black box. Modems convert your phone line into bandwidth, which gives us the ability to connect to the Internet. Make sure you know the difference.
  • Cable Modem: This is the same as a modem. However, cable modems do not use Ethernet cords. They use a cable. The reason you must know this is because cable modems DO NOT NEED TO BE PORT FORWARD. If you own one, count your blessings, port forward shouldn’t be a problem.
  • Bandwidth:  This is the term that describes your internet speed. When people say, “I have really fast internet speed.” This means that they have high bandwidth. The higher the bandwidth, the fast your internet is.
  • Firewall:: firewalls are programs that allow and block ports to and from your computer.
  • Ports:: An opening in your firewall so only certain data pieces can go in and out from.
What is Port Forwarding?

How do routers, modems, firewalls, and ports relate to one another?
Router users:
Your Computer -> Software -> Personal firewall -> router -> router firewall -> Modem -> Modem firewall -> Internet

Modem users:
Your Computer -> Software -> Personal firewall ->Modem -> Modem firewall -> Internet
Your Computer -> Software -> Personal firewall ->Modem -> Internet

As you can see this is general what most people must do. There are a few exceptions, but in most cases this is how it looks like. This is absolutely fucking ridicules for someone who is learning about this whole process. Half the time, they are not aware that certain things have firewalls built inside of them. For instance, Anti Virus firewall or your modem. Remember, you have to know which modem you. Either a Cable modem or Ethernet Modem.

Combination Setups
You will have one of these set ups. The Modem/router is a device that serves as the modem and router, but as one device instead of separate.

  • Computer>Router>Modem>Internet
  • Computer>Modem>Internet
  • Computer>Modem/Router>Internet
This is important that you know what you are dealing with before you begin to port forward.  Understanding the process and devices involve will help with the port forward process. So pick out which setup you have and remember it! If you are not able to port forward correctly the first time, come back to combination and see where the problem might lie.

  • Determine your combination setup
  • Determine if you have a cable modem or an Ethernet modem
  • Login credentials for Router and Ethernet modem.
  • Ability to read and follow directions
  • A program requiring an open port.
How to Port Forward
If you are a Router User! [spoiler]

Step 1: Open the program
You have to be listening to the port. When the program is open, it is telling the network that it is waiting to receive data on a certain port. We call this listening Just open the program and minimize it.
Tl;DR: Open the Program

Step 2:  Firewall
This should be simple. Add the .exe you want through your firewall. Remember that Windows has a built in one. Also, many anti viruses have them as well.
Tl;DR: Check Antivirus and Built in firewall and allow the program through.

Step 3:  Port forward Router
1.   Open CMD
2.   Type “Ipconfig /all” (Do not include “ when typing)
3.   Look for default gateway. Remember that number, this is how you login into your router.
4.   Type that number into your browser
5.   You should now been presented a login screen. Login into your router
6.   Go to and find your router and follow the directions. They should have most of the routers.
7.   Once you are done, Check at .
If the port is open, then you don’t have a modem problem(meaning you have a cable modem). If it is still closed, then you do not have a cable modem. Please continue to the modem user section

Tl;DR:Login into the router and port forward correctly using[/spoiler]

If you are a Ethernet Modem User!
[spoiler]Step 1:  Find the Modem login address
1.   Open CMD
2.   Type “Ipconfig /all” (Do not include “ when typing)
3.   Look for the line that says DNS server
4.   Copy the address it gives you and put it into your web browser
5.   You should get a login screen. Go ahead, Login already!
TL;DR Login into your router

Step 2:  Redirecting
1.   Look for a port forward option in your router.
2.   Redirect the address to your router. [spoiler] Pic 3 [spoiler]
Did you understand what you did there? Of course not. Let me explain.
The internet goes through your modem first. When you port forward your modem and redirected the traffic to your router, it allowed information to go through the router and modem! The first time, information was getting through your router, but not your mode.

TL;DR Port forward your modem.[/spoiler]

Tips, Tricks, and bunnies:
I can see it now. Millions of you just got the “error: connection refuse” message. Do not post saying it didn’t work.  Look at these little tips and tricks and see if if you have tried them.
  • If you have the Router->Modem setup, and still getting the error message, the problem lies within your modem! Have you tried plugging the power on then off?
  • Is your internal IP address the same in your router?
  • Is the program running?
  • Did you redirect your modem to your router?
  • Did you allow the program through your anti-virus firewall and windows firewall?
  • Did you allow both network protocols through? TCP/UDP
  • I cannot stress the importance of redirecting your modem to your router. This is the cause of most people’s suffering
I hope this tutorial help someone out. Do not post saying,”Did not work”.  This is a hard subject to cover due to the different models of routers and modems. Keep trying, play around what you have. If you still cannot get it to work, post below and someone might help you out.

“If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again”


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Re: HD PortForwarding Guide/Basics [Noob Friendly]
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 12:12:49 am »
Good job ;), nice guide.

Offline thijn

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Re: HD PortForwarding Guide/Basics [Noob Friendly]
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 11:41:25 am »
ripped of an other site, you can see it with the [spoiler] tags..

At least give the nab some credit!

Offline kartikeyp1

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Re: HD PortForwarding Guide/Basics [Noob Friendly]
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2011, 08:45:12 pm »
It helped me alot so i thought to share it with you guys , Yes i copied it and already asked the member to post it here nub,he is a good friend of mine, I am also a premium member there so gtfo of my thread. >:(

Offline stormeus

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Re: HD PortForwarding Guide/Basics [Noob Friendly]
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2011, 08:50:16 pm »
It helped me alot so i thought to share it with you guys , Yes i copied it and already asked the member to post it here nub,he is a good friend of mine, I am also a premium member there so gtfo of my thread. >:(

You gave your "friend" absolutely no credit. There's also another tutorial for this here and here.
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