He wants the ID to show before the play name in the echo:
Here's how to do it in sansan:
Here'e the edited CHAT EVENT:
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.chat:{
var %name = $left([ $1 ],-1),%id = $vcmp.nameid(%name), %team = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id) != -1,$v1,255), %cname = $vcmp.hgetname(%id) $+ :
vcmp.enforcelogin %id
vcmp.enforcestfu %id
vcmp.enforce.censor %id $2-
if ($left($2,1) == !) {
{ inc -u4 $+(%,anticmdspam.,[ %name ]) | .signal vcmp.event.gamecmd $1- }
if (%echolevel > 2) vcmp.echo 4 $+ $+($chr(91),%id,$chr(93)) $+ 7 %cname $+ 1 $2-
It's mostly that last line you're gonna want to look at ^^
Here's the edited JOIN EVENT:
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.join:{
if (%echolevel > 0) vcmp.echo 7** $vcmp.nameid($1) $2 joined the server.
.signal vcmp.event.addplayer $1 $2
vcmp.gametext $1 ~h~Welcome $2 $+ !
You can see the rest of it is default, you may make other changes.