Here are the all the IDs for Pickups
This is very useful for RPG servers
ID Pickup Name Type
300 bar_gatebar01 (gate)
301 bar_gatebox01 (barrier)
302 barrier_turn (barrier)
303 Electricgate (gate)
304 fence_small (fence)
305 subwaygate (gate)
306 tunnel_entrance (tunnel)
307 sub_roadbarrier (metal)
308 tall_fence (fence)
309 Columbian_gate (gate)
310 phils_compnd_gate (gate)
311 towerdoor1 (door)
312 sub_roadright (metal)
313 sub_roadleft (metal)
314 airport_gate (gate)
315 helix_barrier (barrier)
316 bar_barrier12 (fence)
317 bar_barrier16 (metal)
318 bar_barriergate1 (fence)
319 bar_barrier10b (fence)
320 lhouse_barrier1 (metal)
321 lhouse_barrier2 (metal)
322 lhouse_barrier3 (metal)
323 Gdyn_barrier17 (metal)
324 bar_barrier10 (fences)
330 tiny_rock (rock)
331 washing_machane (machane)
332 junk_tyre (junk)
333 cooker1 (junk)
334 vending_machane (machane)
335 briefcase (case)
336 fire_hydrant (hydrent)
337 Money (generic)
338 mine (mine)
339 bollard (metal)
340 bollard_light (metal)
341 phonebooth1 (phone)
342 barrel2 (barrel)
343 barrel1 (barrels)
344 palette (woodpanels)
345 cardboardbox2 (boxes)
346 cardboardbox4 (boxes)
347 barrel3 (barrels)
348 lampost_coast (signs)
349 wooden_box (boxes)
350 barrel4 (barrels)
351 lamppost3 (signs)
352 bin1 (metal)
353 dump1 (bucket)
354 roadworkbarrier1 (barrier)
355 bussign1 (signs)
356 cardboard_box (boxes)
357 Streetlamp2 (signs)
358 Streetlamp1 (signs)
359 noparkingsign1 (signs)
360 phone_sign (signs)
361 waste_bin (wastebin)
362 rcyclbank01 (recycle)
363 strtbarrier01 (cones)
364 traffic_cone (cones)
365 info (icons6)
366 health (icons5)
367 adrenaline (icons8)
368 bodyarmour (icons7)
369 bouy (buoy)
370 petrolpump (petrol)
371 newramp (ramp)
372 line (icons)
373 rockpatch1 (rock)
374 rockpatch03 (rock)
375 bribe (icons9)
376 bonus (bonus)
377 faketarget (generic)
378 smashbarpost (smashbar)
379 smashbar (smashbarr)
380 barrelexpos (barrels)
381 glassfx_composh (generic)
382 camerapickup (camera)
383 killfrenzy (icons)
384 telgrphpole02 (telegraph)
385 lounger (lounger)
386 Stonebench1 (bench)
387 miami_phone (cellphone)
388 miami_hydrant (hydrant)
389 bustop (sign)
390 Mpostbox1 (postbox)
391 BillBd1 (Bill)
392 BillBd3 (Bill)
393 LODlBd2 (Bill)
394 MTraffic2 (traffic)
395 Miamibin (bin)
396 MTraffic4 (traffic)
397 MTraffic3 (traffic)
398 BlackBag1 (rubish)
399 BlackBag2 (rubish)
400 LODlBd3 (Bill)
401 BillBd2 (Bill)
402 LODlBd1 (Bill)
403 parkingmeter (signs)
404 parkingmeterg (signs)
405 gunbox (box)
406 property_locked (bluehouse_icon)
407 property_foresale (greenhouse_icon)
408 bigdollar (money)
409 clothesp (icons1)
410 package1 (package1)
411 pickup_save (icons4)
412 postbox1 (postbox)
413 newsstand1 (stand)
414 parkbench1 (benches)
415 papermachn01 (stand)
416 parktable1 (benches)
417 lamppost2 (signs)
418 garden_bench (benches)
419 Barrier (barrier)
420 newstandnew1 (stand)
421 newstandnew4 (stand)
422 newstandnew3 (stand)
423 newstandnew5 (stand)
424 newstandnew2 (stand)
425 lamppost1 (signs)
426 doublestreetlght1 (signs)
427 trafficlight1 (traffic)
428 MTraffic1 (traffic)
429 lamp_post (streetlights)
430 sea_light (docklight)
431 craig_package craigpackage
432 music_headsets (icons4)
440 veg_tree3 (gtavc_trees)
441 veg_treea1 (gtavc_trees)
442 veg_treeb1 (gtavc_trees)
443 veg_treea3 (gtavc_trees)
444 veg_palwee03 (generic)
445 veg_palm04 (generic)
446 veg_palm02 (generic)
447 veg_palm03 (generic)
448 veg_palwee01 (generic)
449 veg_palwee02 (generic)
450 veg_palmkb1 (generic)
451 veg_palmkb2 (generic)
452 veg_palmkb3 (generic)
453 veg_palmkb4 (generic)
454 veg_palmkb5 (generic)
455 veg_palmkb8 (generic)