Hello, i don't really know, it's possible or no, you decide.
So, i'd like to see in the new client's version an ability to have a radio on the server.
How may it work.
You create your own playlist and upload it on your server's database in some folder in the .mp3 format, when it's uploaded, you can turn it off/on any moment you want on the server, using /setradio on <filename> <Radiostation's name> (/setradio on yourmp3name.mp3 SexRadio, there, where stands "Radiostation's name", you have to set its name to allow users to switch on some other radiostation, if they don't like current one, using /radio <Radiostation's name>, to turn off the radio (for admins) - /setradio off), and everything what was recorded in that mp3 file will be being played on the server, also anyone who doesn't want to listen to radio can just do /radio off.
For admins:
/setradio on <MP3's file name> <Radiostation's name>
/setradio off
/setradioname <MP3's file name> <Radiostation's name> (if you want to rename it)
/deleteradio <Radiostation's name>
For users:
/radio on
/radio off
/radio <Radiostation's name>
/radiolist - To display a list of available radiostations
/radioinfo - To find out what radiostation is currently being played.
The aim of the suggestion.
To make people's gameplay more colorful and interesting. It'd be great update for 0.4.
Thank you for your attention, if you have any questions, ask here.