Author Topic: [Request]RPG Script  (Read 13450 times)

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Offline SwedenS

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[Request]RPG Script
« on: August 21, 2008, 04:49:41 pm »
Hi, i wonder if someone could make an rpg script for me, i dont like the rpg scripts allready made.

Commands Needed
/c register <password>
/c login <password>
General Commands

!id [<nick/id>]
Shows the users id or ids user.

!hp [<nick/id>]
Shows the users HP.

!armour [<nick/id>]
Show the users Armour.

!car [<nick/id>]
This will show the vehicle the player is in.

!speed [<nick/id>]
This will show the speed the player is travelling at in MPH.

This will lock the vehicle you are in.

This will unlock the vehicle you are in.

This will repair your vehicle at a Pay N Spray.

This will show a countdown of 3 seconds.

This will show you are in need of a taxi.

This will show the speedlimit for all areas of the server.

This will show all the admin online.

!report <nick/id> <reason>
This will report a player to all the admin online.

This will show you the amount of warnings you have.

/c admmsg
Will send a msg for all admins.

This will show the link to the rules.

!restock <value>
This will restock on an item corresponding to your skin.

!streetrace <1/2>
This will enter you into a streetrace. If the streetrace has not begun, it will start it.

!track <1/2>
This will show information about the streetrace on the specified track.

Skin Commands
This will show which players are using the citizen skin.

This will show which players are using the cop skin.

This will show which players are using the S.W.A.T. skin.

This will show which players are using the paramedic skin.

This will show which players are using the taxi driver skin.

This will show which players are using the biker skin.

This will show which players are using the drug dealer skin.

This will show which players are using the beach citizen skin.

This will show which players are using the body guard skin.

This will show which players are using the weapons dealer skin.

This will show which players are using the hooker skin.

This will show which players are using the mexican skin.

This will show the amount of players using each skin.

Money Commands

This will show you how much money you have in cash and in your bank.

This will show you how much money you have in cash.

This will show you how much money you have in your bank.

!withdraw <amount>
This will withdraw money from your bank and add it to your cash.

!deposit <amount>
This will deposit money into your bank and take it from your cash.

!send <nick/id> <amount>
This will send cash to another player.

/c givemoney <nick/id> <amount> ADMIN ONLY
Will give money to a user.

Property Commands

This will show you your inventory.

!place [<id>]
This will show information about the place you specify.

!buyplace <id>
This will buy the place you specify.

!sellplace <id>
This will sell the place you specify.

This will show information about the vehicle you are in.

This will buy the vehicle you are in.

This will sell the vehicle you are in.

Law Related Commands

This will show which players are wanted by the law.

!sus[pect] <nick/id> <reason>
This will make a player wanted by the law.

!jail <nick/id>
This will put a wanted player in jail.

!crime [<nick/id>]
This will show the crime of the wanted player.

This will ask a wanted player to surrender.

!bribe <nick/id> <amount>
This will offer to bribe a law citizen for the specified amount.

This will accept the offer to be bribed from a wanted player.

This will send a help message to all the law citizens online.

!bu <nick/id>
This will send a backup message to all the law citizens online.

/c r
This will send a message to all the law citizens online.

Food Commands

This will show you all the food you are carrying.

!buy <product>
This will buy a product at a food shop.

!eat <product>
This will eat the specified product.

!storefood <amount> <product>
This will store the specified amount of products at the place you own.

!takefood <amount> <product>
This will take the specified amount of products from the place you own.

!sellfood <nick> <price> <product>
This will offer to sell the specified product to the player for the specified price.

This will accept the offer to be sold a product.

This will show you all the food you have stored at your place.

Call Commands

!call <nick/id>
This will call the player using a cell phone.

This will accept the call from a player.

This will hangup the call with a player.

This will reject an incoming call from a player.

Lottery Commands

This will show you information about the lottery event.

This will show you the current lottery jackpot.

!buyticket <1-50>
This will buy a lottery ticket.

This will show you which lottery ticket you own.

Paramedic Related Commands

!heal <nick/id>
This will offer to heal a player.

This will accept the offer to be healed from a paramedic.

This will send a help message to all the paramedics online.

Drug Commands

This will show how many of each drug you have.

!selldrugs <nick/id> <units> <price>
This will offer to sell the specified amount of drugs to a player for the specified price.

This will accept the offer to be sold drugs from a drug dealer.

!takedrugs <drug name>
This will take a drug. (Beware of the effects!)

!senddrugs <nick/id> <drug name> <units>
This will send drugs to a player.

!dumpdrugs <drug name> <amount>
This will dump the specified amount of units of the spcified drug.

Stock/Weapon Commands

This will show how much weapon stock you have.

!sellstock <nick/id> <units> <price>
This will offer to sell a weapon to a player.

This will accept the offer to buy a weapon from a weapons dealer.

This will store your current weapon at your place with a set amount of ammo.

!takewep <weapon name> <ammo>
This will take the weapon from your place with the specified amount of ammo.

This will show you which weapons you have stored at your place.
Ofcourse the one who makes it will get level 10 admin and will be given credits etc.
I dont know what you want to do this, i cant give money :/

oh, also some of the commands is taken from another server.

Offline bazza

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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2008, 05:18:39 pm »
many people dont have the time to do such a big script,
you might have to make it yourself using pieces from other peoples.

Offline SwedenS

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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2008, 05:45:39 pm »
I cant i have no expierence of it, i cant script i have no knowleadge.


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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2008, 06:18:30 pm »
Omg.... the moste stupid text I have heard today....

if someone could make an rpg script for me, i dont like the rpg scripts allready made.

Man read what did you write...


Noone of us borned with scripting skill...

Offline SwedenS

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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2008, 06:20:35 pm »
Omg.... the moste stupid text I have heard today....

if someone could make an rpg script for me, i dont like the rpg scripts allready made.

Man read what did you write...


Noone of us borned with scripting skill...
I cant see why that text is stupid..

Offline GTA-Roloboy

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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2008, 08:06:20 pm »
Aren't these all Argonath commands?  :-\

Offline SwedenS

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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2008, 08:14:59 pm »
Aren't these all Argonath commands?  :-\

Not all of them, but seriously i really need an RPG script for sweden rpg.


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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2008, 09:52:21 pm »
You're really stupid....

You said you don't like just made scripts yes? So why you ask us to make it!? Would you like it? It would be made script... Made by us!

I think noone will write so big scirpt for ya. And even if do it I'm sure that he/she would publish it...

Offline SwedenS

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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2008, 10:09:14 pm »
You're really stupid....

You said you don't like just made scripts yes? So why you ask us to make it!? Would you like it? It would be made script... Made by us!

I think noone will write so big scirpt for ya. And even if do it I'm sure that he/she would publish it...
I mean i dont like scripts that is "ALLREADY" made.
Anyway, i dont care if the publish it, i just need a rpg script with !buycar !sellcar etc.

Doesnt have to be that big.


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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2008, 11:23:45 pm »
So go to  scripts showroom and download...

Offline VRocker

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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2008, 11:27:31 pm »
These scripts are usually very big and complex and it takes a lot of time to perfect them. Even then i dont think whoever makes it would want to give it away for free or have to keep maintaining it because you break it or something.

Just either use current RPG scripts and modify them (remember to keep the credits!) or look through other peoples scripts and learn from them

Offline SwedenS

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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2008, 01:13:49 pm »
These scripts are usually very big and complex and it takes a lot of time to perfect them. Even then i dont think whoever makes it would want to give it away for free or have to keep maintaining it because you break it or something.

Just either use current RPG scripts and modify them (remember to keep the credits!) or look through other peoples scripts and learn from them
Ok, but what rpg script you prefer ?

Offline GTA-Roloboy

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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2008, 07:01:23 pm »
An own coded?

Offline SwedenS

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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2008, 12:41:12 am »
An own coded?

Offline Intruder

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Re: [Request]RPG Script
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2008, 10:45:10 am »
give me ya email address a few of em are easy :P ill have ago as i need practise