Author Topic: !bikers etc.  (Read 11278 times)

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Offline thijn

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!bikers etc.
« on: August 26, 2008, 04:45:53 pm »
I have this code:
Code: [Select]
  elseif ($2 == !bikers) {
  var %a = 0
  vcmp.say The follow players are using the Biker skin:
    while (%a <= 50) {
if ($$ == Biker) vcmp.say $
      !inc %a
But when i do !bikers
it only says:
The follow players are using the Biker skin:
When i go to mIRC i see this error:
* /      if: not connected to server (line 1679, gus.mrc)
why??? and how can i fix it?

Offline ReVilo

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2008, 04:47:54 pm »
That's what you tell it to say
Code: [Select]
vcmp.say The follow players are using the Biker skin:

Offline Force

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2008, 05:55:37 pm »
Seen my amazing commands haven't we? :P

Try this:

Code: [Select]
elseif ($2 == !bikers) {
  var %a = 0
  while (%a <= 50) {
    if ($$ == Biker) {
      if (%b) var %b = %b $
      elseif (!%b) var %b = %b $
    if (%b) vcmp.say Players using the biker skin are: %b
    else vcmp.say No players are using the bikers skin
  !inc %a

That is roughly what it should like like, thanks to wind for the %b variables in WSV :) it makes it look so neat in game.

Offline thijn

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2008, 06:00:20 pm »
Seen my amazing commands haven't we? :P
Yes i did, but i was meking it to (before i saw it on ur server) but my area didnt work  :'( So i didnt maked it. Untill i saw it on ur server, and when u said u maked with the area, i thought: I can make it to! So now its working.
I saw the !bikers thing on rpg servers, so its basicly based from them, but u maked me doing it :P :P

Anyway thanks for u code, it works now ;)

Offline Force

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2008, 06:06:27 pm »
Lol, Thats good to here, a little tip would be to look at the released scripts, and convert code from there if you feel that it is what you are looking for, seems to have worked in this case as you have turned FBS and WSV into GUS.

Offline thijn

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2008, 09:29:29 pm »
WTF, Ur code dont work, i get no error but:

3*CC.*Thijn has joined the Game.
5Administrator *CC.*Thijn Auto-Logged In (Admin Level: 10)
5>> spawned
5>> *CC.*Thijn spawned
14*CC.*Thijn: !bikers
5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn
5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
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5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
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5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
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5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
5Players using the biker skin are: 0 *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn *CC.*Thijn
And so much lines, but thats to much to post ;)
Is something wrong with the cmd??

Offline bazza

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2008, 10:19:47 pm »
FBS scripts = STAY AWAY FROM THEM! crashing all the time.

Offline Force

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2008, 10:20:01 pm »
Woah.....shiz cakes :x

* [SDT]F_T_F0RC3 goes to try and fix it

Code: [Select]
 elseif ($2 == !Bikers) {
    var %a = 0
    while (%a <= 50) {
      if ($$ == Biker) && ($ != Unknown) {
        if (%b) var %b = %b $ -
        elseif (!%b) var %b = %b $ -
      !inc %a
    if (%b) vcmp.say $1 ** The following are using the Biker Skin: %b
    else vcmp.say $1 ** No one is using the Biker Skin.

Note: It's preferable that the 50 in,
Code: [Select]
while (%a <= 50) became the maximum number of players the server can hold. An example would be:
Code: [Select]
while (%a <= 16)

Bazza, that is nothing to do with me, its the DLL that VRocker created, its not very stable, a better, more stable one will be released with FBS 0.2. ;)

Edit 2:-

Bazza, If they are crashing on connect then its because your config has teams in it with a weapon slot which is 0.

To fix this, change:

Code: [Select]
alias FBS.parseline {
  if (($len($2-) > 0) && ($left($2,1) != $chr(59)) && ($chr(91) !isin $2)) {
    if ($2 == Class) {
      FBS.AddClass 1 %FBS.classes $3-
      !inc %FBS.classes
    elseif ($2 == Vehicle) {
      FBS.AddVehicle 1 %FBS.vehicles $3-
      !inc %FBS.vehicles


Code: [Select]
alias FBS.parseline {
  if (($len($2-) > 0) && ($left($2,1) != $chr(59)) && ($chr(91) !isin $2)) {
    if ($2 == Vehicle) {
      FBS.AddVehicle 1 %FBS.vehicles $3-
      !inc %FBS.vehicles
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 10:26:35 pm by [SDT]F_T_F0RC3 »

Offline bazza

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2008, 12:28:48 am »

Bazza, that is nothing to do with me, its the DLL that VRocker created, its not very stable, a better, more stable one will be released with FBS 0.2. ;)

Bazza, If they are crashing on connect then its because your config has teams in it with a weapon slot which is 0.

I didnt say that did i !!

you are a n00b scripter [SDT]F_T_F0RC3 and your scripts dont work properly !!

i have been scripting for 2 years, and from experience allot of your script will cause processor lag.



Edit by Max: Please respect other board members.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 07:30:19 pm by maxorator »

Offline VRocker

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2008, 01:51:49 am »
Yes, Force is a beginner at scripting but hes learning!
Yes his loops are a bit inefficient but wern't yours when you first started out? i know mine were!

I've talked to Force and gave him pointers on improving his scripts and i offer help to anybody that asks me. And yes, the FBS scripts were a bit crashy which was partly down to my DLL (which i recently fixed).

Anyway back on track... Force was on the right lines with his loop (shame he cocked it up a bit) so dont have a go at him

Oh and thijn, a few things with your code... i notice you have a Tab in you code you posted (Tabs are VERY bad in mirc code, dont use notepad :))

Heres the fix you want:
Code: [Select]
elseif ($2 == !bikers) {
    var %a = 0, %b
    while (%a <= 50) {
      if ($$ == Biker) {
        if ( %b ) %b = %b $+ , $
        else %b = $ %a )
        !inc %a
    vcmp.say The follow players are using the Biker skin:
    vcmp.say %b

And before anybody bitchs about an inefficient loop... I dont know the alias in GUS which gets the ammount of players in the server, or the maximum ammount of players allowed
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 01:53:50 am by VRocker »

Offline Force

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2008, 02:06:49 am »
Umm ok, You think that then, maybe provide links to my nooooooob posts?

I'm trying to help here, and yes, scripters have bad days and produce bad scripts like the one that happened earlier, scripters are not super human you know. Have you ever tried remembering a loop like that off the top of your head once you have only just learnt how loops work?

Offline bazza

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2008, 02:13:14 am »
this post looks like a noob enought post to me.

a bad scripter will always make excuses.

[SDT]F_T_F0RC3, i have been scripting for 2 years, loops are not difficult.




3) YOU ARE N0000000000000B !!!

Edit by Max: Please respect other board members.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 07:31:31 pm by maxorator »

Offline VRocker

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2008, 02:21:59 am »
bazza, i suggest you calm down and stop flaming somebody for trying to help.
I dont see you helping thijn and if your such a good scripter, why not?

Everybody has to start somewhere. You was a beginner once! and loops can be difficult for some people or extremely easy for others. We arn't all the same.

Ok, i agree that force shouldn't be making scripts up off the top of his head to help others without first testing as hes a beginner but hey, he tried which counts for something.

Oh and on a side note... Who taught you to count... 1... 2.... 4!? Or did somebody eat point 3? ;)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 02:23:56 am by VRocker »

Offline bazza

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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2008, 02:27:10 am »
no, your right, i made a typo but corrected it.


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Re: !bikers etc.
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2008, 02:25:08 pm »
I've known FoRcE for a while and it is shocking to see him being treated in such a way.

1. Calling others noobs publicly is a noobish act!
2. Unlike numerous posters and "scripters" FoRcE has never once asked for others to create whole scripts for him.

We've all been beginners and none of us are perfect.
This topic and the flamers, spammers of this topic have been extremely inconsiderate to the readers of this thread and most of all to FoRcE.

I'd also like to say that FoRcE is better than many of those on this forum ;)
Keep it going!