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elseif (lockcar == $3) && ($2 < 100) { WSV.cmdlevelcheck $1- if ($WSV.getname($2) == $WSV.carowners($4)) || ($WSV.getname($2) isin $WSV.sharecarowners($4)) WSV.setvehiclestatus $4 1 if ($WSV.getname($2) == $WSV.carowners($4)) || ($WSV.getname($2) isin $WSV.sharecarowners($4)) WSV.msg $2 Vehicle $chr(91) $WSV.vehiclename($4) $chr(93) locked else WSV.announce $2 This is not your vehicle! } else WSV.msg $2 $WSV.name($4) is not in a car! } else WSV.msg $2 $4 cannot be found on this server at the moment.} elseif (unlockcar == $3) && ($2 < 100) { WSV.cmdlevelcheck $1- if ($WSV.getname($2) == $WSV.carowners($4)) || ($WSV.getname($2) isin $WSV.sharecarowners($4)) WSV.setvehiclestatus $4 0 if ($WSV.getname($2) == $WSV.carowners($4)) || ($WSV.getname($2) isin $WSV.sharecarowners($4)) WSV.msg $2 Vehicle $chr(91) $WSV.vehiclename($4) $chr(93) unlocked else WSV.announce $2 This is not your vehicle! } else WSV.msg $2 $WSV.name($4) is not in a car! } else WSV.msg $2 $4 cannot be found on this server at the moment.}