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elseif (withdraw* iswm $3) { WSV.cmdlevelcheck $1- if (%bankname isin $WSV.loco($2)) { if ($4 <= $WSV.bank($2)) || ($4 == all) { if ($4 == all) var %money = $hget(WSV.Bank,$WSV.getname($2)) if ($4 <= $WSV.money($2)) var %money = $4 hinc WSV.money $WSV.name($2) $4 hdec WSV.bank $WSV.name($2) $4 WSV.setcash $2 $hget(WSV.money,$WSV.getname($2)) WSV.msg $2 You have been withdrawed $chr(91) $ $+ $4 $chr(93) from your bank account! WSV.msg $2 New Balance: $chr(91) $ $+ $WSV.bank($2) $chr(93) } else WSV.msg $2 You hasn't got $chr(91) $ $+ $4 $chr(93) in you're bank account! } else WSV.msg $2 You have to be at the bank! }
elseif (aspirine == $3) { WSV.cmdlevelcheck $1- if (downtown isin $WSV.loco($2)) { if ($WSV.money >= 500) { hdec WSV.money $WSV.name($2) 500 WSV.setcash $2 $WSV.money($3) WSV.sethealth $2 100 WSV.announce $2 You are healed by the doctors of the hospital. } else WSV.msg $2 You need at least 500 } else WSV.msg $2 You need to be Hospital. }
elseif (aspirine == $3) { WSV.cmdlevelcheck $1- if (downtown isin $WSV.loco($2)) { if ($WSV.money($2) >= 500) { hdec WSV.money $WSV.name($2) 500 WSV.setcash $2 $WSV.money($2) WSV.sethealth $2 100 WSV.announce $2 You are healed by the doctors of the hospital. } else WSV.msg $2 You need at least 500 } else WSV.msg $2 You need to be Hospital. }
The heal command only works, if you are at your property (owned property)$WSV.money($2) --> it is a command shows how much money you have, ($2 means you.)
It is possible, just you have to make another command for hospital heals.
elseif (heal == $3) { WSV.cmdlevelcheck $1- if (hosp isin $WSV.loco($2)) || (medic isin $WSV.loco($2)) { if ($WSV.money($2) >= 500) { hdec WSV.money $WSV.name($2) 500 WSV.setcash $2 $WSV.money($2) WSV.sethealth $2 100 WSV.announce $2 You are healed by the doctors of the hospital. } else WSV.msg $2 You need at least 500 } else WSV.msg $2 You need to be Hospital or at a Medic Store. }
Think that should work only if the Areas are good, So the Hospital has Hosp in his name, and the Medic Store has medic in his name