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saveloc, gotoloc for all scripts, based on VRocker's DLL v1.0.0.6

Started by Greg, October 19, 2009, 06:22:34 PM

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Hi all,

I know, that most of the complete scripts containes the command /c gotoloc and /c saveloc, because these days they are very basic parts of these scripts, but even so up to now i saw many request for these commands.
Last time Forze asked me for these commands, so i decided today to make a basic locations system, which is fit for all scripts, which are based on VRockers latest RCON DLL.

Quote hef_teleport.rar

This is a very basic script, but i hope it will be useful for beginner scripters and server owners.
Enjoy!  ;)



I have to thank you quite a lot. You have done the best for me.
* Forze ticks the check 'Greg for 2010 Oscars'

Only a Dude


some oral sex ^^
