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VCMP minimizes gta-vc.exe when connecting to a server

Started by [AoD]NC, March 14, 2010, 11:53:50 AM

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A few minutes before i wanted to play again VCMP after a one-two weeks break. I have opened vcmp.exe, selected a server, "connect". At this moment, VCMP runs gta-vc.exe's engine and connects to a server. But not for me. Everything worked really good before, but now at gta-vc starts, the game is minimized. So okay, i click it to restore it. It looks like restoring, but hell its minimizing again. I click 10 times at it on the taskbar and finally its restoring back...

As i said this bug was not present before. Polonez said me that the same happens for him. I have tried to run only gta-vc.exe [singleplayer] and it works, so it must be a VCMP bug.



This is happening to me too sometimes, never happened in previous versions of vcmp


Quote from: Aaron on March 14, 2010, 08:16:21 PM
never happened in previous versions of vcmp
Yup that's true, This thing happens to me sometimes too.


This thing isn't happened to me, for sure is very strange.


Another person/PL player told me, that this happens for him too.

I have an idea. Everyone who has posted here has Vista/7? Maybe that's why [again]...


I use 7 Home Premium x64, however I have still not experienced this bug. Might be because I haven't played VC a lot lately though, dunno.


It happened to me today when I was fighting D;
Win 7 x64


Since I use Windows 7 32 bit and it never occured to me, I'd say the problem is with 64 bit systems.


It seems to be random and happen to differant people.

I'm running win7 x64 on my main comp and win7 x86 on my lappy. Doesn't happen on either of them.
Tis a strange bug...

Only a Dude

It happens sometimes to me too, in fighting :s!
and i have XP 64 bit


some oral sex ^^


Vista 32 [x86]. Last time i have tested some scripting stuff on my server:
1st time: Server on, client on, "connect" and works as it should.
2nd time: the same as 1st.
3rd time: minimizes, after a few clicks still minimizes, so i kill gta-vc.exe.
4th time: the same ad 3rd.

So it "works", like VR said, randomly. No idea how to reproduce it, simply join server [or even while in-game ;o] And if devs are reading this topic please let us know this :].


Windows XP (ye i know.. some games just didn't worked on Win 7) 32 bits, happens to me sometimes. So, nothing to do with OS i guess :-\


Yep this happens to me almost all the time.. and im on Windows 7 32bit system


I have a method how to solve it, if it will still minimize. Stupid, but works :p.

1. Click on GTA VC at the taskbar.
2. Move the mouse cursor above the taskbar and click like hell!!11111
3. VCMP should return [for now] :p. If not, you are doing it too slow. Try again.

Anyway, after this i mostly get an "auto shooting" bug :<.


Quote from: [AoD]NC on March 27, 2010, 06:43:57 PM
I have a method how to solve it, if it will still minimize. Stupid, but works :p.

1. Click on GTA VC at the taskbar.
2. Move the mouse cursor above the taskbar and click like hell!!11111
3. VCMP should return [for now] :p. If not, you are doing it too slow. Try again.
heh, this is exactly what ive been doing :)