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GameMonkey & LUA for VC-MP 0.3z

Started by VRocker, June 19, 2008, 11:57:32 AM

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Not sure if this should be posted here or in the mIRC scripting section.... but feel free to move it :)

Heres something i've been making when i've wanted to get away from my other projects.
It allows you to create GameMonkey and LUA scripts for VC:MP 0.3z. It has the ability to connect to 50 servers at once and load as many GameMonkey/Lua scripts as you want, aswell as being able to run both GM and Lua scripts at the same time.

Included in the zip file is some example scripts for both lua and GameMonkey aswell as a list of commands and events so you can create your own scripts.
GameMonkey also comes with SQLite and XML support which i have yet to add to lua, but you can create a lua script to work with the GM functions.

Heres the link anyway: http://liberty-unleashed.co.uk/VCMP.zip

Please post your suggestions and feedback :)

NOTE: This application requires the Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Runtime Files. If it doesn't work, go download it! (Can be found Here)

Also please remember to fill in the config file with your server details else it will crash and burn!




BTW, VRocker, please hurry up with LU :o I want to play it :p


that is great  ;D actuality i am creating some stupid comandos in lua
thanks alot :DDD





It is only temporary.
Try later...

I forgot to say this....

this is awesome VRocker :) like many other stuff you do :P


I've got a problem with the program

I'm beginner in programing, so i was writing a simple welcome message in LUA, for hosting with your program. The problem is that the message doesn't show in VC:MP. Anyway, the main.lua script doesn't work too.

What's wrong??????


Need to change your config settings:


to this:
