• Welcome to Vice City Multiplayer.

Forum rules & guidelines

Started by VercettiG, June 11, 2007, 04:43:49 PM

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Forum rules & guidelines

Welcome to the Vice City Multiplayer forums.

Before you start posting at our forums or even registering, we'd like you to read our forum rules. Breaking the rules may result in a ban, so please be sure to read them.

  • No racism. - No posts with direct racism or with racial undertones! You will be permanently banned!
  • No pornography. - Do not show any pictures, videos or any other adult material! You will be permanently banned.
  • No insulting and flaming. - Insulting or flaming ANY member of the forums will get you in trouble.
  • No warez. - No linking to illegal materials of copyrighted software. You will be warned.
  • No ripping. - Don't steal other peoples material and claim it's your own. We will simply not tolerate these kinds of things! You will be banned.
  • No impersonation. - To pretend being an Admin, Moderator, User etc. is strictly forbidden! Aswell as pretending to be a developer! You will be banned immediately.
  • No spamming. - Refrain from posting useless and pointless posts. An example could be "lol" or simply "kk" or "okay". A spam post can also be defined as someone simply posting nonsense such as "1613131bla!!!!111one".
  • No game modifications, trainers, cheats etc. - Linking to or asking for game modifications such as trainers and cheats will get you banned.
  • No advertising. - Do not advertise your own websites, nor your friends'. If you'd like to advertise your website, please feel free to add a link into your own signature.
  • English only. - We would like to point out that in these forums, only English posts and topics are allowed. As English is the most widely used and known language on earth. If you do post topics on other languages, please translate them. If there is no translation, your topic will be closed.
  • No bumping. - Do not bump old topics which are inactive. Especially not 'ancient' ones!
  • Oversized signatures & avatars. - Please do not attach huge avatars or signatures to your profile. There's no actual limits, but please use common sense when deciding to get one.

Please hence: The admins, still have the rights to ban/warn you for anything they deem as disruptive to the forums. This also includes locking & deleting topics!


If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact an admin/moderator of the forum.
You may also want to join us at IRC: IRC://irc.gtanet.com/vc-mp

Thank you for your time and thank you for reading this.

Happy posting!