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New VC-MP mIRC Admin

Started by VRocker, March 31, 2008, 02:36:37 AM

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wooooooooooooooooooooooot Very Nice Job VRocker



Nice work and i tell u that u r great and good scripter... 8) 8)
GOD BLESS ALL..<<Founder of PUN Clan.....Born to fight and Kill..>>


Note to anybody using the DLL in a large server...

Tonight i have (hopefully) fixed a crash bug which occurs in large servers with lots of players.

Redownload the zip and copy the new dll across. Let me know if the issue still exists :)


Small Update:

  • Added 2 new signals. vcmp.player.move and vcmp.vehicle.healthchange
  • Fixed the GetSpeed function inside the dll. Now updates every second

vcmp.player.move outputs these values:
ServerID, PlayerID, OldX, OldY, OldZ, NewX, NewY, NewZ

vcmp.vehicle.healthchange outputs these:
ServerID, VehicleID, OldHealth, NewHealth

Another Update (29/10/08):

  • Fixed some crash bugs that occured on highly populated servers (Exapnds on an older fix)
  • Added GetVehicleDriver to the list of functions
  • Fixed a bug with the internal pools in multi-server environments


Sweet ;D

Thank you very much VRocker.




Fixed a small bug in the dll which was brought to my attention recently.

The bug was that if 2 people had similar names (Like VRocker and VRock) then vcmp.getid would return the ID of the player who joined first everytime it was queried for either of these players.

This has now been fixed and the zip has been updated :)

Thanks to everyone who reported this, and sorry it took so long to fix





it doesnt work for me, when i enter the /load cmd and enter the IP. Rport, and password
and click connect it says connecting.. and after half hour stil same, help


Is the rcon port open on your server?

If it is to a server hosted on the same computer, have you tried as an IP?

Is the rcon password correct?

These are just a few things that i can think of for why it wont connect. Also check your mirc status window to see if theres any script errors


- Another Update -

Fixed the RemoveMarker bug and SetPlayerMarker bug. Thanks to Tamas for pointing this out and helping me resolve it :)

Sorry for not resolving this earlier, i was told it was a vcmp bug ::)