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To make Property System work... replace commands in script with these one'sCode: [Select] elseif ($3 == buyprop) { if ($FBS.lin($1, $2) == $null) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must be logged in. elseif (!$4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Syntax: ! $+ $3 <Place ID> elseif ($4 !isnum) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Invalid Place ID elseif ($4 > $fbs.propcount) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Invalid Place ID elseif (. isin $4) || (, isin $4) || (- isin $4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 No negative or decimal place id's elseif ($FBS.PropPrice($4) > $FBS.actcash($1, $2)) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You do not have enough cash to buy this property elseif ($FBS.PropDistance($2, $4) > 10) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must be closer to the property elseif ($FBS.PropOwner($4) != Vice City) vcmp.msg $1 $2 This property is already owned by $FBS.PropOwner($4) elseif ($FBS.Myprops($1, $2) >= 2) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You have reached your property limit. else { vcmp.say $1 ** $vcmp.name($1, $2) has bought Property - $FBS.PropName($4) (ID: $4 $+ ) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Property Cost: $ $+ $FBS.PropPrice($4) FBS.DecCash $1 $2 $FBS.PropPrice($4) !remini -n FBS.propowners.ini OWNERS $4 !writeini -n FBS.propowners.ini OWNERS $4 $vcmp.name($1, $2) FBS.IncMyprops $1 $2 1 } } elseif ($3 == sellprop) { if ($FBS.lin($1, $2) == $null) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must be logged in. elseif (!$4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Syntax: ! $+ $3 <Place ID> elseif ($4 !isnum) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Invalid Place ID elseif ($4 > $fbs.propcount) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Invalid Place ID elseif ($FBS.PropDistance($2, $4) > 10) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must be closer to the property elseif (. isin $4) || (, isin $4) || (- isin $4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 No negative or decimal place id's elseif ($FBS.PropOwner($4) != $vcmp.name($1, $2)) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You do not own this property elseif ($FBS.SpawnSetting($5) == on) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You need to turn off property spawning first else { vcmp.say $1 ** $vcmp.name($1, $2) has sold Property - $FBS.PropName($4) (ID: $4 $+ ) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Selling Price: $ $+ $FBS.Propprice($4) FBS.IncCash $1 $2 $FBS.PropPrice($4) !remini -n FBS.PropSpawn.ini SPAWN $FBS.PropShares($4) !remini -n FBS.PropSpawn.ini STATUS $FBS.PropShares($4) !remini -n FBS.propowners.ini OWNERS $4 !remini -n FBS.PropSpawn.ini SPAWN $vcmp.name($1, $2) !remini -n FBS.PropSpawn.ini STATUS $vcmp.name($1, $2) !writeini -n FBS.propowners.ini OWNERS $4 Vice City FBS.DecMyProps $1 $2 1 } } elseif ($3 == addplace) { if ($FBS.lin($1, $2) == $null) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must be logged in. elseif ($FBS.Level($1, $2) < 3) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Must be level 3. elseif (!$4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Syntax: ! $+ $3 <Cost> <Name> elseif (!$5) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Syntax: ! $+ $3 <Cost> <Name> elseif ($4 !isnum) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Invalid Property Cost elseif (. isin $4) || (, isin $4) || (- isin $4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 No negative or decimal Property Cost else { vcmp.msg $1 $2 Property Added - Price: $ $+ $4 - Name: $5- !writeini -n FBS.PropCount.ini COUNT Count $calc($FBS.PropCount + 1) !writeini -n FBS.PropOwners.ini OWNERS $FBS.PropCount Vice City !writeini -n FBS.PropNames.ini NAMES $FBS.PropCount $5- !writeini -n FBS.PropCosts.ini COSTS $FBS.PropCount $4 !writeini -n FBS.PropLocs.ini x $FBS.PropCount $vcmp.location($1, $2).x !writeini -n FBS.PropLocs.ini y $FBS.PropCount $vcmp.location($1, $2).y !writeini -n FBS.PropLocs.ini z $FBS.PropCount $vcmp.location($1, $2).z !writeini -n FBS.PropSpawn.ini LOCATION $FBS.PropCount $calc($vcmp.location($1, $2).x - 2) $calc($vcmp.location($1, $2).y + 2) $vcmp.location($1, $2).z FBS.LoadProps $1 } }Then replace all property aliases with these one..Code: [Select]alias FBS.PropCount !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropCount.ini,COUNT,Count),$v1,0)alias FBS.PropPrice !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropCosts.ini,COSTS,$1),$v1,100000)alias FBS.PropOwner !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropOwners.ini,OWNERS,$1),$v1,Vice City)alias FBS.PropShares !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropOwners.ini,SHARES,$1),$v1,None)alias FBS.PropName !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropNames.ini,NAMES,$1),$v1,Unknown)alias FBS.Mypropshares !return $iif($readini(FBS.MyProps.ini,SCOUNT,$vcmp.name($1, $2)),$v1,0)alias FBS.PropLoc !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropLocs.ini,LOCATIONS,$1),$v1,Unknown)alias FBS.IncMyProps !writeini -n FBS.MyProps.ini COUNT $vcmp.name($1, $2) $calc($FBS.MyProps($1, $2) + $iif($3,$v1,0))alias FBS.DecMyProps !writeini -n FBS.MyProps.ini COUNT $vcmp.name($1, $2) $calc($FBS.MyProps($1, $2) - $iif($3,$v1,0))alias FBS.MyProps !return $iif($readini(FBS.MyProps.ini,COUNT,$vcmp.name($1, $2)),$v1,0)alias FBS.SpawnSetting !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropSpawn.ini,STATUS,$vcmp.name($1, $2)),$v1,0ff)alias FBS.LoadProps { var %a = 1 set %propcount 0 while (%a <= 100) { if (%a <= $FBS.PropCount) { vcmp.newpickup 1 407 $readini(FBS.PropLocs.ini,x,%a) $readini(FBS.PropLocs.ini,y,%a) $readini(FBS.PropLocs.ini,z,%a) !inc %propcount } !inc %a } timer.checkproperties 1 8 FBS.CheckCount }alias FBS.getmysharedprops { var %a = 1 while (%a <= %propcount) { if ($readini(FBS.PropOwners.ini,SHARES,%a) == $vcmp.name($1, $2)) var %b = %b $readini(FBS.PropNames.ini,NAMES,%a) $+ , ID: %a - !inc %a } !return %b}alias FBS.CheckCount { if (%propcount == $FBS.PropCount) { FBS.Echo 7 $+ $chr(91) %propcount $+ / $+ $FBS.PropCount $chr(93) Properties Loaded Succesfully } else FBS.Echo 7Error loading Properties $chr(91) %propcount $+ / $+ $FBS.PropCount $chr(93)}alias FBS.PropInfo { var %a = 1 while (%a <= 100) { if (%a == $1) { if ($FBS.PropOwner($1) == Vice City) { vcmp.msg 1 $2 **** FOR SALE **** vcmp.msg 1 $2 Property: $FBS.PropName($1) $+ ( $+ $1 $+ ) vcmp.msg 1 $2 Owner: Vice City // Cost: $ $+ $FBS.PropPrice($1) } elseif ($FBS.PropOwner($1) != Vice City) && ($FBS.PropShares($1) != None) { vcmp.msg 1 $2 Property: $FBS.PropName($1) $+ ( $+ $1 $+ ) // Owner: $FBS.PropOwner($1) // Price: $ $+ $FBS.PropPrice($1) } elseif ($FBS.PropOwner($1) != Vice City) && ($FBS.PropShares($1) == None) { vcmp.msg 1 $2 Property: $FBS.PropName($1) $+ ( $+ $1 $+ ) // Owner: $FBS.PropOwner($1) // Price: $ $+ $FBS.PropPrice($1) } else vcmp.msg 1 $2 Property info can't be found! } !inc %a }}Oh and delete every pickup in your config file - this is a MUST.It should now function properly only thing I haven't fixed yet is when scripts are disconnected then reconnected the Properties fuck up by moving up an ID and showing Unknown as the Name. So uh.. don't restart your server/scripts and you won't come across this problem
elseif ($3 == buyprop) { if ($FBS.lin($1, $2) == $null) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must be logged in. elseif (!$4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Syntax: ! $+ $3 <Place ID> elseif ($4 !isnum) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Invalid Place ID elseif ($4 > $fbs.propcount) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Invalid Place ID elseif (. isin $4) || (, isin $4) || (- isin $4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 No negative or decimal place id's elseif ($FBS.PropPrice($4) > $FBS.actcash($1, $2)) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You do not have enough cash to buy this property elseif ($FBS.PropDistance($2, $4) > 10) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must be closer to the property elseif ($FBS.PropOwner($4) != Vice City) vcmp.msg $1 $2 This property is already owned by $FBS.PropOwner($4) elseif ($FBS.Myprops($1, $2) >= 2) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You have reached your property limit. else { vcmp.say $1 ** $vcmp.name($1, $2) has bought Property - $FBS.PropName($4) (ID: $4 $+ ) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Property Cost: $ $+ $FBS.PropPrice($4) FBS.DecCash $1 $2 $FBS.PropPrice($4) !remini -n FBS.propowners.ini OWNERS $4 !writeini -n FBS.propowners.ini OWNERS $4 $vcmp.name($1, $2) FBS.IncMyprops $1 $2 1 } } elseif ($3 == sellprop) { if ($FBS.lin($1, $2) == $null) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must be logged in. elseif (!$4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Syntax: ! $+ $3 <Place ID> elseif ($4 !isnum) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Invalid Place ID elseif ($4 > $fbs.propcount) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Invalid Place ID elseif ($FBS.PropDistance($2, $4) > 10) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must be closer to the property elseif (. isin $4) || (, isin $4) || (- isin $4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 No negative or decimal place id's elseif ($FBS.PropOwner($4) != $vcmp.name($1, $2)) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You do not own this property elseif ($FBS.SpawnSetting($5) == on) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You need to turn off property spawning first else { vcmp.say $1 ** $vcmp.name($1, $2) has sold Property - $FBS.PropName($4) (ID: $4 $+ ) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Selling Price: $ $+ $FBS.Propprice($4) FBS.IncCash $1 $2 $FBS.PropPrice($4) !remini -n FBS.PropSpawn.ini SPAWN $FBS.PropShares($4) !remini -n FBS.PropSpawn.ini STATUS $FBS.PropShares($4) !remini -n FBS.propowners.ini OWNERS $4 !remini -n FBS.PropSpawn.ini SPAWN $vcmp.name($1, $2) !remini -n FBS.PropSpawn.ini STATUS $vcmp.name($1, $2) !writeini -n FBS.propowners.ini OWNERS $4 Vice City FBS.DecMyProps $1 $2 1 } } elseif ($3 == addplace) { if ($FBS.lin($1, $2) == $null) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must be logged in. elseif ($FBS.Level($1, $2) < 3) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Must be level 3. elseif (!$4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Syntax: ! $+ $3 <Cost> <Name> elseif (!$5) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Syntax: ! $+ $3 <Cost> <Name> elseif ($4 !isnum) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Invalid Property Cost elseif (. isin $4) || (, isin $4) || (- isin $4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 No negative or decimal Property Cost else { vcmp.msg $1 $2 Property Added - Price: $ $+ $4 - Name: $5- !writeini -n FBS.PropCount.ini COUNT Count $calc($FBS.PropCount + 1) !writeini -n FBS.PropOwners.ini OWNERS $FBS.PropCount Vice City !writeini -n FBS.PropNames.ini NAMES $FBS.PropCount $5- !writeini -n FBS.PropCosts.ini COSTS $FBS.PropCount $4 !writeini -n FBS.PropLocs.ini x $FBS.PropCount $vcmp.location($1, $2).x !writeini -n FBS.PropLocs.ini y $FBS.PropCount $vcmp.location($1, $2).y !writeini -n FBS.PropLocs.ini z $FBS.PropCount $vcmp.location($1, $2).z !writeini -n FBS.PropSpawn.ini LOCATION $FBS.PropCount $calc($vcmp.location($1, $2).x - 2) $calc($vcmp.location($1, $2).y + 2) $vcmp.location($1, $2).z FBS.LoadProps $1 } }
alias FBS.PropCount !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropCount.ini,COUNT,Count),$v1,0)alias FBS.PropPrice !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropCosts.ini,COSTS,$1),$v1,100000)alias FBS.PropOwner !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropOwners.ini,OWNERS,$1),$v1,Vice City)alias FBS.PropShares !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropOwners.ini,SHARES,$1),$v1,None)alias FBS.PropName !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropNames.ini,NAMES,$1),$v1,Unknown)alias FBS.Mypropshares !return $iif($readini(FBS.MyProps.ini,SCOUNT,$vcmp.name($1, $2)),$v1,0)alias FBS.PropLoc !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropLocs.ini,LOCATIONS,$1),$v1,Unknown)alias FBS.IncMyProps !writeini -n FBS.MyProps.ini COUNT $vcmp.name($1, $2) $calc($FBS.MyProps($1, $2) + $iif($3,$v1,0))alias FBS.DecMyProps !writeini -n FBS.MyProps.ini COUNT $vcmp.name($1, $2) $calc($FBS.MyProps($1, $2) - $iif($3,$v1,0))alias FBS.MyProps !return $iif($readini(FBS.MyProps.ini,COUNT,$vcmp.name($1, $2)),$v1,0)alias FBS.SpawnSetting !return $iif($readini(FBS.PropSpawn.ini,STATUS,$vcmp.name($1, $2)),$v1,0ff)alias FBS.LoadProps { var %a = 1 set %propcount 0 while (%a <= 100) { if (%a <= $FBS.PropCount) { vcmp.newpickup 1 407 $readini(FBS.PropLocs.ini,x,%a) $readini(FBS.PropLocs.ini,y,%a) $readini(FBS.PropLocs.ini,z,%a) !inc %propcount } !inc %a } timer.checkproperties 1 8 FBS.CheckCount }alias FBS.getmysharedprops { var %a = 1 while (%a <= %propcount) { if ($readini(FBS.PropOwners.ini,SHARES,%a) == $vcmp.name($1, $2)) var %b = %b $readini(FBS.PropNames.ini,NAMES,%a) $+ , ID: %a - !inc %a } !return %b}alias FBS.CheckCount { if (%propcount == $FBS.PropCount) { FBS.Echo 7 $+ $chr(91) %propcount $+ / $+ $FBS.PropCount $chr(93) Properties Loaded Succesfully } else FBS.Echo 7Error loading Properties $chr(91) %propcount $+ / $+ $FBS.PropCount $chr(93)}alias FBS.PropInfo { var %a = 1 while (%a <= 100) { if (%a == $1) { if ($FBS.PropOwner($1) == Vice City) { vcmp.msg 1 $2 **** FOR SALE **** vcmp.msg 1 $2 Property: $FBS.PropName($1) $+ ( $+ $1 $+ ) vcmp.msg 1 $2 Owner: Vice City // Cost: $ $+ $FBS.PropPrice($1) } elseif ($FBS.PropOwner($1) != Vice City) && ($FBS.PropShares($1) != None) { vcmp.msg 1 $2 Property: $FBS.PropName($1) $+ ( $+ $1 $+ ) // Owner: $FBS.PropOwner($1) // Price: $ $+ $FBS.PropPrice($1) } elseif ($FBS.PropOwner($1) != Vice City) && ($FBS.PropShares($1) == None) { vcmp.msg 1 $2 Property: $FBS.PropName($1) $+ ( $+ $1 $+ ) // Owner: $FBS.PropOwner($1) // Price: $ $+ $FBS.PropPrice($1) } else vcmp.msg 1 $2 Property info can't be found! } !inc %a }}