Author Topic: Pawn Script Help  (Read 2432 times)

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Offline Fuzzy168

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Pawn Script Help
« on: July 07, 2011, 04:05:34 pm »
[pawn]#include <a_vcmp>
#include <core>
#include <float>

static szGameModeName[128] = "DMW [r1.1a]";
static szGameModeAuthorName[128] = "Fuzzy168";

#define COLOR_GREEN 0x33AA33AA
#define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA

#define MAX_WEAPONS 61
new wep_init = 0;
new gWeapons[MAX_WEAPONS][64];

#define PI  3.1415926535897932384626433832795[/pawn]VC:MP Mode

Could you tell me what are the following features for?

1.[pawn]#include <float>[/pawn] I tried #include <dini> it gives me error
2.[pawn]#define USERS_FILE          "/Users/%s.ini"
#define REPORTS_FILE        "/Reports/%s.ini"
#define BANS_FILE           "/Users/%s.ini"
#define Pickups             "/Pickups/Pickups.ini"
#define VEHICLEOWNERS_FILE  "/Vehicles/owners.ini"
#define MAX_PASS_SIZE       16
#define MIN_PASS_SIZE       2
#define LOGIN_ATTEMPTS      3
#define CountDownn      3[/pawn]How to add this kind of feature
3.[pawn]enum pInfo

enum sInfo
}[/pawn]What are enum for?
4.[pawn]#define MAX_WEAPONS 61
new wep_init = 0;
new gWeapons[MAX_WEAPONS][64];

#define PI  3.1415926535897932384626433832795[/pawn]What is this?
I'm beginning to feel like a Lag God, Lag God

Offline BIG[H]

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Re: Pawn Script Help
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2011, 07:55:24 am »
PAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

well i am lazy to tell you all.....
but # 4

Its Globle variable that can be used in any public function or command
its Saves Player info
well i make a Globle Variable for player money / Cash in top of script where #define static are
new PlayerCash[MAX_PLAYERS][Cash];
ok lets apply it on cmd's
here we go!
@ cmd !givemecash
PlayerCash[player][Cash] + 100;


@cmd !cash

if(PlayerCash[player][Cash] == 0) ClientMsg(player,COLOR,"You don't got any cash :D"): // well :D sign is not troll face exactly

else {
new xmsg[45];
format(xmsg,45,"your Cash is $ %d",PlayerCash[player][Cash]);
return ClientMSG(player,COLOR,xmsg);

//it will return cash amount that was in PlayerCash[player][Cash] meaning is that you can use it where ever u can , no need to create it for every cmd like new PlayerCash etc

just be Happy i can tell as much i can ,i eventually forgot 80% of pawn due to Squirrel Language , Squirrel is most easiest language , well you should try squirrel at least i was thinking to make a squirrel Tutorial when i will be free :D

Greetings Trafford

« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 08:02:23 am by BIG[H] »
Outdoor city server Administrator, FS server owner!

Offline Fuzzy168

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Re: Pawn Script Help
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2011, 04:40:40 pm »
How about the others?
I'm beginning to feel like a Lag God, Lag God