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New VC-MP mIRC Admin

Started by VRocker, March 31, 2008, 01:36:37 AM

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Quote from: [AoD]NC on December 26, 2009, 11:17:35 AM
Nice work and up-to-date :).
A btw. questions are u guys going to update teh Squirrel server too for r2?
VRocker told me Juppi should do that. I guess hes to lazy :]


Quote from: [AoD]NC on December 26, 2009, 11:17:35 AM
A btw. questions are u guys going to update teh Squirrel server too for r2?
Juppi's work


Nice work. But there's a small problem. I have no idea how spikes or framelimiter should function  :-\

I tried

vcmp.setspikes $1 $2 on
vcmp.setframelimiter $1 FrameLimiter on

But nothing appears to happen and vcmp.getspikes allways returns zero, so I guess I haven't spawned any spikes  :P

Everything else works just fine. Hope you finish the dll soon, so I could get my hands on the set wanted level and drunken driver features ;D 
I know advance mIRC, average C++, basic Pawn & Squirrel, very basic Java Script.


my script PsySQLite 1 any news on a complete dll ?


@Skirmant: instead of on/off use 0, 1, 2 or smthing, look at the DLL Aliases there should be a small description what to use.
@ricardo: copy the "R2 stuff" from these DLL mrc file to your Psy mrc script.
@Thijn and Forze: K lets wait for Squirrel ;p.


Quote from: [AoD]NC on December 27, 2009, 11:43:14 AM
@Skirmant: instead of on/off use 0, 1, 2 or smthing, look at the DLL Aliases there should be a small description what to use.

alias vcmp.setspikes { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetSpikes, $1-3 ) }  ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Player, $3 = Spikes on/off

I tried every possibility I could come up with, but It still dosn't seem to work  :-\
I know advance mIRC, average C++, basic Pawn & Squirrel, very basic Java Script.


this should work:

alias vcmp.setspikes { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetSpikes, $1- ) }  ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Player, $3 = Spikes on/off

and then something like:

elseif ($3 == spikes) {
vcmp.setspikes $1 $2 1

not tested though

Also, to use the spikes use /spike ingame (not /c)


I know advance mIRC, average C++, basic Pawn & Squirrel, very basic Java Script.


So lets wait for VR maybe he coded it wrong :].


My Findings:

A default alias (replace "GetFunction" and "Function_Name" with each DLL Function)

alias GetFunction !return $dll( " $+ $scriptdirvcmp.dll $+ ", Function_Name, $1- )


I think these are all the new ones:

GetClassModel - cant get to work (crashes if contains missing parameters)

GetClassName - cant get to work (crashes if contains missing parameters)

GetFrameLimiter - works (crashes if contains missing parameters)

$1 = serverID

GetGamespeed - returns 1 or 0 (crashes if contains missing parameters)

$1 = serverID

GetGravity - works (crashes if contains missing parameters)

$1 = serverID

GetSpikes - cant get to work (crashes if contains missing parameters)

SetClassModel - cant get to work
SetClassName - cant get to work

SetFrameLimiter - works

$1 = serverID, $2 = 1/0

SetGamespeed -  works

$1 = serverID, $2 = Speed

SetGravity - works

$1 = serverID, $2 = Gravity

SetSpikes - cant get to work (crashes if contains missing parameters)


Just fixed a stupid tab error in the included script which stopped it from saying connected.

Regarding the squirrel server, i'm no longer developing it since i'm focussing on my own mod. Whether or not anyone else who has the source makes one or not, i dont know.


the DLL i downloaded today doesn't work.

i replaced the one i downloaded yesterday. now it doesn't connect.

my script FBS.


Quote from: olvin122 on December 29, 2009, 11:38:40 AM
the DLL i downloaded today doesn't work.

i replaced the one i downloaded yesterday. now it doesn't connect.

my script FBS.



Quote from: VRocker on December 29, 2009, 02:35:07 AM
Regarding the squirrel server, i'm no longer developing it since i'm focussing on my own mod. Whether or not anyone else who has the source makes one or not, i dont know.

Oh k, but who has now the source code? Only Juppi or someone else too?

Well u are now focusing on LU, but will you still update this DLL? Or you give the source code to someone other too :P?


Ok another update. Just got the dll working with the latest build.

Download in the same place (http://liberty-unleashed.co.uk/vcmp/vc-mp-r2.zip)