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VC:MP GRM - Latest Version 2.5 (New Release!)

Started by Orpheus, August 05, 2008, 04:38:13 AM

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Hello and welcome to VC:MP General Resource Manager!

Well basically me and force(99.9% me) have put together a Small program that contain lots of USEFUL information.

I've attached some screenies and the actual program so feel free :) if anyone would like to mirror thats fine, just notify me or force first.

Most of the information can be found within the menu's.

So far I've got no bugs that I've found, but if any are found can someone please notify me, so I can fix it

Most of the information came from around the net, including this site
Screenie links ( so I don't use too much bandwidth ;) )

General overlook

vehicles tab overlook

Skins tab Overlook

About dialog
Help Dialog
Info doalog

Download link!

Mirrors thanks to various people:
Provided by windlord: Mirror1
Provided by Chnelite: Mirror2
Provided by Jack_Bauer: Mirror3
Provided by Jack_Bauer: Mirror4

when its downloaded( wont take long) then just unzip it, and click the setup file, and then you can use the shortcut(included or make your own) at any time you like to open VC:MP GRM

All comments,criticisms and ideas for version 2 are welcome :D

Thanks to Mattz for allowing us to use his pickup list :)


New Features:

  • Self Contained Logo and Icon specific to VC:MP GRM
  • Added saving of last item chosen for Vehicles, Weapons and Skins
  • Also added option to change the colour scheme (Which is stored for your next session)
  • Contact us Tab now maximizes the window
  • Added opening screen on load
  • Fixed General Bugs, Typo's and any other errors found.

VC:MP GRM 2.0 : 
VC:MP GRM 2.0 Installer

All previous VCMP GRM links for Version 2 have been deleted and only te insgaller is avaliable now ( uses the minimal instal  setup, but send to ur program files ( if you so wish))

New Update, VC:MP GRM 2.5

I have been steadily working on a new version of VC:MP GRM and have now released this version, which is v2.5.

Link: VC:MP GRM 2.5

Regards Orph



Ill mirror it if you want,add to msn or find me on IRC.


Good Job man :)
* Mattz wishes he could pin it.


Great job!

This will really help us scripters! :D

Thanks Orpheus and Force!

Edit: RapidShare never works for me sadly :(
       I can provide a mirror also btw.



Thanks for all the comments guys :D I'm just glad i could finally give something back to this forum :D

remember any problems and i'll re-release with a fix :)

Regards Orph



Went through it and looks awsome. Great job. :)

  • Moved to Script Showroom
  • Set to Sticky




Thanks Tommis :D!

To be honest i never thought it'd turn out as well as it did :D

I origionally intended it to JUST be a .exe but unfortunaty that removed the icon, and the pics data as it was unable to read from the internet without application data :(

Regards Orph


Very nice, glad you got it finished and pinned :D


Great Job Orph hope you make a new version this is great :) :)



due to a problem i had earlier this week, the update will be along shortly, but not on the date i had anticipated,  as i have lost alot of the pograms code, I will however be re-releasing Version 2 very soon, so please check back within the next few days

regards Orph