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Suggestions for Version 0.4

Started by matthiasvegh, July 25, 2007, 02:14:14 PM

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@Whole post: doubt someone would take care.

@Checkpoints: it is really so easy to create races with them in SAMP?

@AttachObjectToPlayer: doesn't it work only in "missions"?

@CreatePlayerObject: What?

@Pickup types: Some other are in VC. -> http://www.gtamodding.com/index.php?title=0213

@Max players: hahahahahahaaaaaaaa :D. Probably now on all servers there is not much then 100 players overall so why do you need 200? For botz? Anyway more players = less stable game, more lagzors etc.


Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 01, 2010, 11:21:41 PM
@Checkpoints: it is really so easy to create races with them in SAMP?

No it is not easy, it makes the creation of races / missions more convenient and enjoyable for the players on the servers (gameplay)

Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 01, 2010, 11:21:41 PM
@AttachObjectToPlayer: doesn't it work only in "missions"?


Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 01, 2010, 11:21:41 PM
@CreatePlayerObject: What?


Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 01, 2010, 11:21:41 PM
@Max players: hahahahahahaaaaaaaa :D. Probably now on all servers there is not much then 100 players overall so why do you need 200? For botz? Anyway more players = less stable game, more lagzors etc.

servers are very few players because you can chat in English only, and vc-mp very small interesting servers
(very few opportunities for creating scripts), and in the vc-mp too many mistakes (crashes)


new Key Binds

F1: Displayer help dialog
TAB: Display the scoreboard
F4: Allows you to change class to next time you respawn
F5: Show bandwidth statistics
F7: Toggle the Chat box
F8: Take a screenshot
F9:Shows/hides the "death" window
G: Allows you to enter a car as a passenger

like in sa-mp http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Getting_Started#Game_Keys  :)


VCMP won't be ever SAMP :).

You should know that some things won't be possible in VC, because VC doesn't support them.

attach object to object    only works on cutscene objects
attach object to component of object    only works on cutscene objects
attach object to car    only works on cutscene objects
That's are probably the only things to do in VC. But as you can see it's only for cutscenes. However I bet maxorator could hack them anyway :).

Quoteservers are very few players because you can chat in English only, and vc-mp very small interesting servers
(very few opportunities for creating scripts), and in the vc-mp too many mistakes (crashes)
Not really. There were some servers in other langs (Spanish, Chinese etc.) And you should know that R2 is less crashing then R1.

@Keybinds: VCMP uses only keys from game, apart from F-shits. For example in R2 you enter as passenger with the action key (TAB), but in 0.4 beta you could enter with camera key (V).


Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 02, 2010, 11:58:08 AM
VCMP won't be ever SAMP :).

Of course not, because VC-MP is a multiplayer for game GTA VC...  ;)


Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 08:29:34 AM
new Key Binds like in sa-mp http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Getting_Started#Game_Keys  :)
We have TAB to enter as passenger, not G
We have F5 to display scoreboard, not TAB
That's how it will be because this is VCMP and it will be different to that of SAMP.


Quote from: Klaus_Meine on August 02, 2010, 01:25:39 PM
Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 08:29:34 AM
new Key Binds like in sa-mp http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Getting_Started#Game_Keys  :)
We have TAB to enter as passenger, not G
We have F5 to display scoreboard, not TAB
That's how it will be because this is VCMP and it will be different to that of SAMP.

well, the f5 -> tab thing isn't a big deal, but tab is also the button to pick up guns, so when you try to pick up a gun sometimes you'll be forced into a car and sometimes you'll want to get into a car and pick up a shit gun in return.

that was fixed in the 0.4 pub beta from what I saw anyway, so


Quote from: Klaus_Meine on August 02, 2010, 01:25:39 PM
Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 08:29:34 AM
new Key Binds like in sa-mp http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Getting_Started#Game_Keys  :)
We have TAB to enter as passenger, not G
We have F5 to display scoreboard, not TAB
That's how it will be because this is VCMP and it will be different to that of SAMP.

this is very stupid and also very inconvenient for the players who play both in VC:MP and the SA:MP


Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 12:16:38 PM
Of course not, because VC-MP is a multiplayer for game GTA VC...  ;)

Not because that. To say the truth, SAMP is in everything better then VCMP: more players, better game modes, more developers (?).

Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 12:16:38 PM
this is very stupid and also very inconvenient for the players who play both in VC:MP and the SA:MP

I know a few players that were playing SA multiplayers and tried VCMP, but then they deleted it from their hard disk :).


Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 02, 2010, 09:44:28 PM
Not because that. To say the truth, SAMP is in everything better then VCMP: more players, better game modes, more developers (?).

I know a few players that were playing SA multiplayers and tried VCMP, but then they deleted it from their hard disk :).

if the VC: MP was at least half of the scripting capabilities in SA: MP
it would have attracted many new players and new people to create game modes.
even from the same SA: MP communities in the (like me for example)
And if you think that the game GTA VC small fans you're wrong.

such as too many players that infuriates some in the chat can not communicate in Russian (only English characters)
in SA: MP as possible. because of this VC-MP loses potential players.

create a really good server in VC-MP 0.3z R2 (RolePlay or RPG, Stunt, Races or other) is simply not possible.
but he is very good for DM and TDM servers (such as killing players in the head is very cool)
and that no in SA: MP, but only play on DM and TDM servers, players get tired quickly.

VC-MP too slowly develops .........

If you do not understand, then I apologize, I do not intend you to explain something.


Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 10:31:04 PM
if the VC: MP was at least half of the scripting capabilities in SA: MP
it would have attracted many new players and new people to create game modes.
even from the same SA: MP communities in the (like me for example)
And if you think that the game GTA VC small fans you're wrong.

I've made some pretty good improvements related to scripting lately. Unfortunately it all still needs testing, so release will take some time...

Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 10:31:04 PM
such as too many players that infuriates some in the chat can not communicate in Russian (only English characters)
in SA: MP as possible. because of this VC-MP loses potential players.

I'm aware of that and will work on it, but might not be in the next release because it requires a lot of work to make the game support non-ascii characters and implementing it now would further delay the release.

Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 10:31:04 PM
VC-MP too slowly develops .........

I'm sorry, but there's no fix for that. I'm the only active developer at the moment and I have been and will be away often.


maxorator, thanks

Quote from: maxorator on August 02, 2010, 10:53:52 PM
I'm aware of that and will work on it, but might not be in the next release because it requires a lot of work to make the game support non-ascii characters and implementing it now would further delay the release.

you could ask for Kye to help you with this, build in the SA-MP, this is realized from the beginning as far as I know,
I do not think he'll refuse to help.  ;)


Quote from: maxorator on August 02, 2010, 10:53:52 PM
I've made some pretty good improvements related to scripting lately. Unfortunately it all still needs testing, so release will take some time...

Remember, at this forums are many players ready to test it even right now :).

Quotecreate a really good server in VC-MP 0.3z R2 (RolePlay or RPG, Stunt, Races or other) is simply not possible.
but he is very good for DM and TDM servers (such as killing players in the head is very cool)
and that no in SA: MP, but only play on DM and TDM servers, players get tired quickly.

I said that maybe 100 times, but I will say 101. Such modes like Bomb Base, Stealth etc would suck on VCMP just because of VC. You can't camp and walk. Weapon sync is poor, you can shoot in a wall and kill someone other.

Modes like Race or Drift needs mostly a good vehicle sync, which is I think, possibly to do in VCMP. In SA multiplayers the sync is very smooth even when playing with a lag.

And RP... Personally I don't like it, but there were a few RP servers in VCMP and I think that they were quiet good.


eh lemme suggest two things I'm sure you've heard before 1000 times from 100 people... I know it's probably pointless, but I do not know if someone has framed these suggestions with the same background as I have... they may seem like run of the mill gimme's, but please read everything and understand, this is coming from someone who obsesses over this stuff...  ;D

fix the no-shooting bug or minimize it if possible.
you know,the one where players slide around and do not fire, and polite types will tell the other guy he's bugged.
for all the anti-cheat routines and pro-active administration in the world, this bug will make a new player think he's seeing cheats or a broken cheapshit game 50% of the time. remove this bug, and you are seriously smoothing out the VCMP learning curve, and making the game more accessible to novice players.

add more vehicle placement options
all throughout various script/server planning sessions I've been involved with, one consistent goal is simply enabling a given type of standard GTAVC gameplay within VCMP. one consistent problem with carrying over certain types of gameplay from singleplayer to multiplayer, is the amount of available car spawns in a server. simply by adding more vehicles in-play, we can greatly extend the amount of GTA gameplay variety present in VCMP without having to change/upgrade current scripting capability. there are plenty of game-mode types, that are scalable enough to base an entire server around one of them alone, if the vehicle amounts required were available and in-play.
just ask yourself, what is truly GTA? teleporting around to other players, walking around an empty stretch of road to other players, fighting other players around a centrally based location or spawn, or taking a random car from the huge amount available and driving where you want to go? as is, only 3 of those situations work in VCMP, and lack of having access to the 4th is definately a hinderance to any scripter or server operator who is taking a comprehensive approach to their VCMP projects.

maxorator, I know you already have enough to do... but I see these two as the least complex goals to approach with the largest payoffs, so I thought I'd suggest them as such. I say all this not knowing shit about anything else in the 0.4 release or how hard it would be to actually prevent the no-shoot bug or add cars... but just sayin' if ya make those two changes, everyone will get more from VCMP, more players, more gameplay and scripting variety... and as someone who has been working on those goals(more players, more balanced gameplay variety available) for 2 years now and planning on going longer, I really hope you take the time to read and consider my suggestions. thanks for your time


Quote from: ULK.HeAD on August 03, 2010, 12:32:34 AM
fix the no-shooting bug or minimize it if possible.

It is terribly difficult to fix simply because it never happens when I want it to. And without reproducing it, it's impossible to find out why it happens and how to fix it. I will try to find a solution, but I can't guarantee anything.

Quote from: ULK.HeAD on August 03, 2010, 12:32:34 AMadd more vehicle placement options

There are some problems with that. Increasing it over 200 makes cars sometimes have no audio because of the silly audio system VC uses (only 250 things (players+vehicles) can have audio enabled). This is pretty difficult to fix, but I believe I could do it. I think I will raise it higher even if I don't fix this, because audio is not the most important part of the gameplay anyway. Increasing it over 254 however is problematic due to the current internal structure of VC:MP. It is changeable of course, but it takes some effort to do.

Quote from: ULK.HeAD on August 03, 2010, 12:32:34 AM
maxorator, I know you already have enough to do... but I see these two as the least complex goals to approach with the largest payoffs, so I thought I'd suggest them as such. I say all this not knowing shit about anything else in the 0.4 release or how hard it would be to actually prevent the no-shoot bug or add cars... but just sayin' if ya make those two changes, everyone will get more from VCMP, more players, more gameplay and scripting variety... and as someone who has been working on those goals(more players, more balanced gameplay variety available) for 2 years now and planning on going longer, I really hope you take the time to read and consider my suggestions. thanks for your time

Thank you for your commitment to VC:MP. There are not so many people who actually care about what goes around.