Author Topic: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?  (Read 82645 times)

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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #45 on: April 03, 2013, 10:21:35 am »

I have been playing vc-mp since the first public betas 0.1a and 0.1b (I believe) since 2005. Later 0.1d was released where I've been hooked ever since. I've came and went multiple times over the years taking breaks for a month or so but have always came back  to play. I do have other newer more recent games I can also play but I still enjoy playing vc-mp quite often. Over the years many people I have known and consider friends have came and gone but I'm still here. I even first met my girlfriend on vc-mp on a server whom I later met up with in real life and we have been together for over a year now so vc-mp is really important and special for me in that regard too.

I think this is the dream of anyone who plays in the gta-mp game's

thanks for your opinion and provided information.

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Offline Glock22

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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #46 on: April 03, 2013, 01:41:36 pm »

I have been playing vc-mp since the first public betas 0.1a and 0.1b (I believe) since 2005. Later 0.1d was released where I've been hooked ever since. I've came and went multiple times over the years taking breaks for a month or so but have always came back  to play. I do have other newer more recent games I can also play but I still enjoy playing vc-mp quite often. Over the years many people I have known and consider friends have came and gone but I'm still here. I even first met my girlfriend on vc-mp on a server whom I later met up with in real life and we have been together for over a year now so vc-mp is really important and special for me in that regard too.

I think this is the dream of anyone who plays in the gta-mp game's

thanks for your opinion and provided information.

Offline Doom

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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #47 on: April 03, 2013, 03:58:03 pm »
* Doom Slaps Glock22 with a large baseball bat. Reason:[ Samp samp samp.... i spit on it ].

By the way, there is nothing we can do, all we can is just wait for 0.4 ( if its going to be released before world end, lol ) or otherwise just be happy what we already got.  :) ;)

Offline Glock22

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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #48 on: April 03, 2013, 04:08:23 pm »
You know Doom, I don't even support SAMP. I support IVMP, but I obviously won't try and get everyone here to move to it because most of you can't run it probably.

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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #49 on: April 03, 2013, 05:07:10 pm »
But you keep talking about SAMP all the time and comparing VC-MP to SAMP. It seems like you love it and want to discourage us from playing VC-MP.
Just please stop doing it. VC-MP and SAMP are different games with different communities.

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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #50 on: April 03, 2013, 07:34:47 pm »
Nah but the thing is they are both GTA III era games that can be run with minimum spec computers. SAMP on the otherhand has a lot more advanced features, way more skins, an entire state rather than city, and a much more active dev team. In response it has tens of thousands of players online at once, whereas VCMP has 190.

Offline Castagna

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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #51 on: April 03, 2013, 08:18:34 pm »
Nah but the thing is they are both GTA III era games that can be run with minimum spec computers. SAMP on the otherhand has a lot more advanced features, way more skins, an entire state rather than city, and a much more active dev team. In response it has tens of thousands of players online at once, whereas VCMP has 190.
And what is the point of this statement? Is purely pointless.

I don't know what is your task here since you registered on this forum, but im pretty sure that your goal here based on your past statements is nothing, even when you are currently sticked to IV:MP.

I can mention other cases, of random people who came up in this community and they decide to complain about 0.4 development. I mean, yelling about a new release or update won't speed up the development, it would actually annoy the regular VC:MP players, and mainly the beta team and here i will point out stormeus who is almost dealing with this thread everyday, kudos to you storm.

Newcomers think they are a sort of revolutionary movement were they can change everything. You guys must have been here for a while before judge or talk about the history of VC:MP. Communities can not be compared, if you think so then you don't know how VC:MP runs.

No one can simply nominate a new developer or pick random people to handle a project which was being developed for years. There is a protocol i suppose, and there is no need to rush. Newcomers getting 'tired'? how is that? 

If the community is dying as i have heard from some mouths, is not because of "development inactivity", but by random people that i've mentioned before.
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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #52 on: April 03, 2013, 10:08:04 pm »
Last time I was on sa-mp the weapon sync was was pretty bad. The gameplay styles were very different too it was either running in circles holding down the fire button spraying a pair of dual uzi's/sawn off's or crouching with an m4 rolling around. There's also that deagle style of combat which does look more interesting since it involves glitches or something. Don't know too much about that. :P

I think sa-mp is better off for roleplayers. San Andreas in general has much more skins, animations, a larger map, tons of more interiors that would be useful for roleplay servers e.g prisons, night clubs, homes, shops, strip clubs, police stations, you name it. There's a popular server aswell (LS-RP) which they even have their own custom made  interiors and there also allowing you to design your own house and place down furniture and whatever else somewhat like the sims.  There's also that feature to seperate players between worlds so the same interior can be used multiple times and players don't see each other in it. VC-MP is limited in any of that stuff just mentioned  but it does however in my opinion have much better weapon sync and has a very distinct combat aswell. That's just my preference though. I'd take MTA:SA over SA-MP any day for deathmatch orientated kinda stuff.

VC-MP - Deathmatch

SA-MP - Roleplay

MTA:SA - Deathmatch (Maybe, roleplay too?)

Anyway, just realised i'm getting off-topic but may aswell post but yeah I think that having a larger playerbase certainly would have a greater influence on the developers to work on a mod.  ???
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 10:11:18 pm by Hanney »
<@AdTec_224> so where is this 0.4 source code?
<@AdTec_224> and that is just a picture of the 0.4 chatbox ><
<SFi7z> yes
<@AdTec_224> which can be taken from anywhere
<SFi7z> haha

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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #53 on: April 03, 2013, 11:37:11 pm »
Yeah true, very true. Although MTA SA is mostly for racing  ;)

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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #54 on: April 04, 2013, 02:40:13 pm »
Newcomers think they are a sort of revolutionary movement were they can change everything. You guys must have been here for a while before judge or talk about the history of VC:MP. Communities can not be compared, if you think so then you don't know how VC:MP runs.

I've always been with VC:MP.. I've even tried to run VC:MP way back but I failed because I was quite noob and was a modder.. Now, I stop making mods and start scripting and playing VC:MP.. Although VC:MP has bad weapon sync and often crashes(Pawn servers), I don't see how it bothers me.
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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #55 on: April 05, 2013, 01:26:41 am »
@Hanney: please don't forget that MTA:SA can download custom cars, models, maps etc. so you can create everything you want, even VC in SA, not just night clubs ;D.

About the "newcomers complain" problem. Since I'm playing VCMP, I've seen this problem a few times at least. So, first thing to notice: it is repeated from time to time. Why? Because people don't longer believe in "soon" or even "0.4". 0.4 was originally planned to be the next version after 0.3, if I'm right. 0.4 was supposed to be... amazing. And look how it ended. We've been through 0.3 B, X, Z, Z R2... Still no 0.4. No wonder that most retired players laugh, when asking "what's up in VCMP? 0.4 released?", because they know already the answer.

With R2 released over 3 years ago, an empty-hacked forum, no active developer, split beta team and no promotion for VCMP... Looks like it's a dead end. But there is still hope. And I believe in it.

I understand "they have private life". But wait, who doesn't? Everyone have their own live and still, always find some time to play VCMP or look over here, hoping to read something about a development progress.

@Jaczuszek's words:
And this game is still in a good condition. In the same condition as year, two or three ago and I don't think it's going to change. We have still new players who don't look when last version was released. They just download it and play, some of them enjoys VC-MP and stays longer and some not. We also have old players who came back to VC-MP, without 0.4 released.

Which don't prove, that it will be in good condition also this year. And "new players", if you count an almost full LW server with no-names (and just a few known players)... Uh no comment :).

Btw. think about how many people could join the community, if VCMP wouldn't be so complicated... Browser throws thousands of errors after closing, install setup doesn't search for the VC folder which is required, game doesn't work with VC v. 1.1 or some mods... Honestly, if I would see so much errors and was too lazy to search how to fix them... I delete this game.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 01:30:01 am by [AoD]NC »

Offline Glock22

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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #56 on: April 05, 2013, 01:50:10 am »
Um, no new version in 3 years, on top of no active developer and a split beta team? Then I doubt there will ever be another version, especially if you take a look at the year lol. VCMP is a dead end without a doubt. Sure it can still be fun for the current players, but the truth is it has no future in picking up any real amount of new players, and eventually the players it has will get too old for this, have other occupations, just get bored of Vice City. That's simply the truth, play and enjoy and simply forget the idea of ever a new version coming out because it's obviously just a thought and nothing more.

Offline stormeus

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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #57 on: April 05, 2013, 02:02:35 am »
simply forget the idea of ever a new version coming out because it's obviously just a thought and nothing more.

I wouldn't be so sure.
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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #58 on: April 05, 2013, 07:02:56 am »
Who knows what will happen for the next moments... Still hopping

Offline Fuzzy168

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Re: [Split] Is VC:MP dead?
« Reply #59 on: April 05, 2013, 11:12:05 am »
Glock22, I wonder why are you even here in the VC:MP community in the first place. You are so keen to compare Vice City to every other GTA games and their respective MP. You don't even care of VC:MP, you don't even want to play on VC:MP, you don't even want to make a server for VC:MP. All you want is 0.4.. Your the same as some of the other impatient brats. You do realize that VC:MP is a modification. If I was in the same boots as maxorator, I would focus on studies. maxorator isn't some person who can sit infront of a computer every single day while focusing on studies. What you and other newcomers want is a new version not knowing how tough it actually is to rewrite from scratch. After stormeus' first reply, I realized that to be on the VC:MP dev team I have to know things I've never even heard of before like reverse engineering.
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